A letter to BART.gov

I am one who will be affected by the pending strike planned by the Train Operators. I have made a East Bay / SF commute for the last 20 years – A void in service will be a pain to say the least – However, I will drive out of principle – and may start to drive periodically to show my distaste for how this has been handled. I have ridden Chicago’s L train, New York’s Subway and Paris’s Metro – All of which cost me about 1/2 – 2/3 what I pay to ride BART for a comparable distance ride.

The train operators for BART are among the highest paid in the country – and I as a consumer pay for this. I absolutely can not and will not lend any support to the union. I think their demands are unrealistic, and show just how out of touch they are to the plight of every day working folks trying to get by in the Bay Area. I also hold management accountable for years of poor planning while continuing to agree to unsustainable contracts. Over the years, I have been confused by your poor decisions with regards to system growth, train cleanliness and the general reliability of the service.

Imagine if successful companies like Google, Apple or even Microsoft ran the way that BART does – they would have gone out of business years ago – Well enough is enough – Many in the region are doing their best to avoid falling through the cracks of a VERY crummy economy – I personally know a number of folks who are out of work, some of whom have or will lose their homes & businesses. I am frankly insulted by the daily news indicating the threat of a strike – and am outraged by the attitude of entitlement displayed by your workforce at a time when most folks are trying to just make sure they get through the worst of our current situation.

While I am not thrilled with the management and or service provided by BART, and I WILL be burdened with the ramifications of this strike,  I would gladly spend the next few months dealing with a difficult drive, if it were to mean that all who do not want to work are allowed to WALK – and a new workforce can be brought on and up to speed to work an honest shift for an honest salary. I am not one who wants something for nothing and am compelled to offer a perspective that will hopefully be at the very least heard.

Sincerely – Soon to be Driving from the east bay

I just sent the above letter to the main contact form on the BART.gov website – Should you have an opinion on the situation that you would like to share with the good folks at BART – you can do so via this link~