Dear Mr. President…

I am one of your first million supporters. I own and proudly wear a T-shirt that your campaign sent me in honor of this. After watching (taped delayed) your speech in Mill Valley CA well before you captured the nomination, I was struck by your words and developed a belief in your leadership.

I desired my president to think through the actions & repercussions of his / her administration and believed then as I do now that you weigh your decisions on history and the vast possibilities of their potential outcomes.

Tomorrow night, my hope is that you show up to fight. (Respectfully and with presidential dignity – but to fight nonetheless). I have watched this entire process for some time. For a period, I felt that it might be more interesting if Mr. Romney were to simply debate himself, as he seems to have taken a firm stance on nearly every side of each issue before him over the past ten years.

Your last debate performance was not your best. Of course anyone can have an off night – but I came to realize that while Mr. Romney may not have a core of deep convictions that he intends to run on – he IS a VERY ambitious man. One who desperately wants your job. You have at times indicated that you are willing to rest your presidency on your beliefs. I admire this. However, you cannot rely on the vast block of American voters to fact check what you or your opponent has to say on the past four years or for the plans for the next.

You MUST take the fight to Mr. Romney. Not in paid advertisements – but face to face on the debate floor and in front of the American people. Your words have moved me and countless others over the course of your time in the public light. In my opinion, your actions have made us safer, brought us dignity both on the world’s stage and at home as well as to pave the way for a brighter future. It is nearly impossible to argue that things could have been worse. However, people would have seen a HUGE difference in our country should you not have taken many an unpopular decision. But as you know, elections are about many things… and Mr. Romney’s ambitions along with his salesmanship and skill to “close the deal” are having an impact because you are not calling him on his gamesmanship.

You are fighting for many… You re fighting for a level playing field – not simply for the privileged, but for those who do not have a voice as loud as yours and stage by which to share the mission of the coming 4 years. You have much to run on, much to be proud of.

I watched my father a retired naval aviator struggle in a hospital for nearly 5 months while insurance companies debated weather he was OK to leave the care facility that wanted him out despite him being petrified that he would not be able to function at home. He had the money to extend his care, but I continued to wonder about the many others who did not and would be simply left to fend for themselves if it were not for a universal healthcare system. I have read the plaque at the base of the statue of liberty – my immigrant mother and wife have greatly benefited from it’s meaning. We are a country of immigrant’s… people who have come here not to scam a system, but to bring a better way of life for their families. I have watched as my wife struggled to improve the education and results of the bilingual third grade class that she teaches. Without decent pay and with no help as a result of meaningless testing via No Child left behind, she has been a tireless advocate for children and REAL learning results that may turn disaffected kids into folks who may one day cure disease or create innovation. In her 8 years, she has been a part of a team that has taken the scores of her school from last to first in her district. I have driven both imported and US made cars… but after you invested in Detroit, I sold both my imports and bought new American cars… Why? Because I believe in the hard things that your administration is trying to do and am willing to be a part in any way that I can.

Why share this tonight? Because I am one of these coveted independent voters that I hear about on the news so much. In past elections I have voted for Democrats, Republicans, Independents and even Green Party & libertarian in my 41 years. I try to listen and read as much as I can, and vote my conscience. I have read writings from Lincoln, FRD, Reagan, Clinton as well as the writings of our founding fathers. I believe that there was a great deal of intent in their words. I think these men / women played for the long game… and not quick gimmicks and showmanship

I have listened to what Mr. Romney / Ryan has in mind for the country. I do not believe that they have any malice in their intent – but Regan-omics did not work… it exploded the deficit. I don’t want my leaders to shoot first and ask questions later… and I don’t believe that ANYONE is FOR abortions – they simply want the ability to make tough choices between themselves, their doctors and their gods.

I have not agreed with each decision you have made as president – but I continue to stand with you, believe in you and need you to bring the fight and passion in tomorrow’s debate. You are fighting for many, for an equal playing field, for seniors. You are fighting for ME, my family and the future of my 5year old son.

Please bring the fight, your passion and you’re A game. I am with you.
